To the New Year

January 10, 2013

A New Year has arrived, and we have hope for a brighter tomorrow, yet, we can’t live in a vacuum. 2012 was a roller coaster, with moments of joy and sorrow. What is our reason for hope in 2013, Atlanta?

The reason for hope reminded me of a young lady from my church Ebenezer. She experienced two major instances of rejection in her life. First, her parents were unemployed, and they were forced to place her in a foster home. After time passed, her parents joyfully brought her home. Time healed, self-confidence returned, and the imagined rejection ebbed away. She got stronger. Years passed, but rejection reared its ugly head later, when her parents divorced. Tears, confusion, and misplaced guilt came upon her, for what had she done to bring this more painful rejection upon herself and her family?

The young lady was able to pull herself up by her boot straps and press on. She retained her good academic and social standing. A close friend once asked her, how she got through those tough years. With tears in her eyes she answered, “A lot of me just stopped living, but I kept on performing.”

Often we stop living, but we have to keep on performing. Isn’t this where we find ourselves at the present? We are all hoping and praying for a better future. But where is the foundation for our hope in 2013? We have no crystal ball. Besides, we have enough unfinished business left over from 2012. For example, our precious children have no guaranteed safe haven, even in our schools. We have allowed mental health needs to go inadequately treated and funded. Guns are too easily accessible. We ignore regulations already on the books. There are no guarantees, we must keep on hoping and performing even when we are only half alive.

So, what do we as Atlantans hope for in 2013? The prophet Micah answers it this way: “He has told you, what is good. So, what does the Lord require of you, but to DO justice, to LOVE KINDNESS, and to WALK HUMBLY with your God?” This is our ground for hope across Atlanta and in the future. Yes, this is the reason shepherds and wise people seek him still.

–Rev. Joe Roberts