Alicia Philipp’s Interview on Atlanta Business Chronicle’s BIZ

April 17, 2016

aliciaonatlbiz_2“Live with passion. Give with purpose. Empower individuals,” said Crystal Edmonson of the Atlanta Business Chronicle. “Those are just some of the guiding principles of a local organization out to prove that we gain when we give.”

Our very own Alicia Philipp joined David Rubinger on Atlanta Business Chronicle’s BIZ ‘Executive Profiles’, Sunday, April 17 at 11AM on 11Alive!, to discuss the history of the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta, and the importance of philanthropy to Atlanta’s past, present and future.

She also spoke on her career, what inspired her to invest in philanthropy, how she’s changed the Foundation, and the distinctive awards that have marked her successful career.

“Right now we’re in the beginning of a three year strategic plan that will take us to a whole new level as an institution,” said Philipp. “A new level in terms of assets, a new level in terms of giving — both of which are really important in being able to position ourselves as a strong organization.”

“This community can really benefit from greater philanthropy, and we need to be able to tell the story of how philanthropy can make a difference, and get more philanthropists engaged!”