
Donors – we want to hear from you!

February 13, 2018

As a donor of the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta, thank you for all that you do. Philanthropy makes Atlanta prosper and you are a vital part of that. Our organization values our relationship with you and seeks to provide you with the very best tailored philanthropic services, paired with our robust knowledge of the 23-county Atlanta region.

We want to hear from you – your role as a donor puts you in a unique position to provide us with important feedback. Your thoughts and input will help us to continually improve and better serve you, a member of our philanthropic family. To get this feedback, we have asked the Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) to conduct a confidential survey of our donors. CEP is a well-respected nonprofit research organization that provides philanthropic funders with management tools to define, assess and improve overall performance. CEP has worked with several dozen community foundations across the country.

You will receive an email or letter directly from Carly Marchioni at CEP in a few days informing you of the survey’s details, and we ask that you complete the survey by Friday, March 2.

Please be candid with your responses and rest assured that CEP will maintain complete confidentiality. CEP will present results of the survey through a donor perception report, in which CEP will show average ratings without revealing the identity of individual respondents. CEP will not share with us the names of donors that did or did not respond to the survey.If you have any questions about this process or the survey, please contact Carly Marchioni at CEP toll-free at 866.545.0800, extension 255 or email

Thank you for taking the time to help us provide you with excellent service as we seek to strengthen our region by providing quality services to donors and innovative leadership on community issues.
