
Super fun and super powerful: The Dragon Con Fund

June 14, 2018

Every Labor Day weekend, Downtown Atlanta is overtaken by superheroes, elves and stormtroopers as Dragon Con celebrates the colorful, myriad facets of popular culture.

Dragon Con is also philanthropic, with a fund at the Community Foundation generated by proceeds from the event. Each year, it asks attendees to help give back by raising funds for a specific local Atlanta nonprofit, which Dragon Con then matches. As a result, Special Olympics Georgia received $109,254.30 in 2017.

“Dragon Con is so much more than one person. It’s everyone that comes, has fun, contributes and gives. Atlanta has been good to us – it’s important to give back.” – Sherry Henry, Vice President, Dragon Con

This story was originally shared in our 2017 Annual Report. To read the full report, click here.